Hello again friends! I’m back after a little break. Sitting here with the cutest little writing buddy sleeping next to me, seeing how much blogging I can do before he needs to nurse again (that cluster feeding is NO JOKE!) Thanks for having patience, the break was necessary, my mind was just not working quiiite the same during the end of pregnancy and these first couple of weeks postpartum. As it shouldn’t be, I think. It feels like that lack of ability to focus on anything but baby is a kindness of nature, forcing us into a little bubble for a while so we can adjust. If I’m honest, I’m still in that bubble a little bit but it feels right to begin stretching myself a little again.

I have loved hearing all the feedback about what you would like to hear from me in this space- consensus is largely recipes, including budget friendly and simple favorites, hormone health and cycle syncing, adrenal cocktails and other functional medicinals, as well as lots more about pregnancy, postpartum & babies!! Awesome, that’s the stuff on my mind, what I want to share!
My only problem is….getting it out. I’ve been told it’s an ADHD thing, but I’ll get so many ideas jumbled in my head that they all bottleneck and I can’t figure out which one to do first. I’ll get hung up on perfection, keep trying to find some rhyme or reason, an organized way to execute them and just get stuck. Sounds like a small problem but it will literally keep me from doing a single thing!
So, I’m just gonna throw it out there over the next couple weeks, screw organized and perfect- the recipes that I never got pictures for, the information & research that seems totally random. Keep it simple, start flowing & learn how to use this space, open up dialogue with you all. Slowly make it all more polished and you can come along on that journey with me. I really want to build community!
All that being said, I’m so glad to be back and freshly inspired. I’ll share more soon!!
Much love
I just found your page and I’m sooo glad I did 😊😊😊
I feel that ADHD paragraph 🙃 cheers to doing it imperfectly, done is better than perfect! Excited to read more.